Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Bad Planet Software

Bad Planet Software is a new company that develops apps for Windows Phone 8.

  Pebble Watch Pro

Using Pebble Watch Pro now you can receive Calendar, Twitter, Battery and Network alerts right on your Pebble.

In addition you can control music on your Windows Phone right from the Pebble. Select songs from Playlist, Genre or All songs on your phone and then pause/play, move to the next song or previous song right from the music app on your Pebble.

Link to Windows Phone Store App
  Pebble Watch Lite

Using Pebble Watch Lite you can control music on your Windows Phone right from the Pebble.

Select Playlist or Genre songs on your phone and then pause/play, move to the next song or previous song right from the music app on your Pebble. You can also test a whole host of Pebble notifications and set the time on the Pebble to match your phone.

Link to Windows Phone Store App


  Q: The Pebble is not connecting to my phone.
A: If the Pebble is not working with your phone it is most likely a problem with Bluetooth. On the Pebble go to Settings, Bluetooth and remove any phone or device paired with the watch. Then on your phone go to Settings, Bluetooth and remove the Pebble. Finally pair the Pebble to your phone as if it is the first time. Now start Pebble Watch Pro or Pebble Watch Lite on your phone and it should work as expected.

  Q: I am not receiving incoming phone call, SMS texts or email message notifications on the Pebble.
A: Windows Phone 8 currently does not allow third party apps to intercept these alerts so they can be displayed on the Pebble. When that feature is available in a future Windows Phone 8 update, we will either add it one or both these apps.

  Q: After a short time when I play or pause a song the music app on the Pebble does not move to the next or previous song.
A: This is currently a limitation on Windows Phone with Xbox music. When the lock screen is hiding the app screen the phone loses it place in the song list currently playing and stays on the current song. If this is a problem, you can disable the lock screen in the app and music control should work as expected.

Q: Why am I not receiving any notifications from the app on my Pebble watch after it is installed?
A: Currently, Windows Phone 8 does not allow the app to run continuously in the background. You will only receive notifications while Pebble Watch Pro is the current foreground app.

Q: How do Twitter notifications work?
A: In the configuration area of the app you need to first authorized the app to receive the Twitter notifications on your behalf. When you click the "Authorize or ReAuthorize" button, the app will take you to a webbrowser Twitter page where you need to enter your Twitter Username or Email address and your Twitter Password. Then you need to click the "Authorize app" button on the Twitter page. If you successfully log in the Twitter page will display a pin number. Type that pin number in the "Enter Pin:" box and click the "Authenticate" button.

After you have completed authorization, the app will take you back to the main Pebble Watch Pro music screen. Go back to the configuration area in the app and navigate to the Twitter section. You will then be able to select to receive tweets from your Twitter home timeline and Twitter Direct Messages (DM). You can opt not to receive replies the tweets on your home timeline.

You can only authorize Twitter or receive Twitter notifications when your phone has access to the internet. You should not need to reauthorize Twitter unless you change your Twitter password.

Q: How do the Calendar notifications work?
A: When you enable calendar notifications the app will send a notification to the Pebble when the time arrives for the appointment. You can optionally choose 30, 15, 10 and 5 minute notifications before the appointment. Important! Just like all the notifications in the app, you will only receive the notifications while the app is the current active app.

Q: How do the battery notifications work?
A: When you enable battery notifications the app will monitor the battery on the phone and when the battery level drops below 50% the app will send a notification to the Pebble. It will also send a notification when the battery level drops below 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%. The app is not able to monitor the battery level on the watch.

Q: How do the network notifications work?
A: Every two minutes the app will check to see if it has a connection to the network. This could be via Wifi, 3G or LTE. If it detects no connection it will send an alert to the Pebble. When it detects a connection again, it will also send a notification to the Pebble. (When the network is down, the Pebble will not attempt to connect to Twitter if you have that set up in the app.)

Q: Are there going to be any more features added to Pebble Watch Pro?
A: I intend to add more features to Pebble Watch Pro in the future. When I add them I will resubmit the app to the Windows Phone marketplace and you will receive them as an update to the app at that time.

The best place to ask a question about the app is in the Pebble watch forums. As a Pebble owner, you probably already have an account on the Pebble web site. The Pebble Forums will require you to log in with a separate Forum account or log in with your existing Pebble account. I normally check the Pebble Developers forum regularly and you can post a message to one of the Windows Phone 8 topics or send me a private message in the forums.

If you want a specific feature let me know and I will add it to the future features list but I can't guarantee if or when it will be added.

Pebble Developer Forums

My Pebble username is Greg Banta (GregBanta).

You can also contact me via email at

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