The ARM-based Samsung Chromebook was one of the first to offer a price tag that was as low as that of mid-range smartphones, and according to Business Korea, Samsung is prepping an upgrade to the original ARM Chromebook for a launch sometime in 2014. The upgraded Chrome OS-based laptop will come with a 2,560×1,600 12-inch (or less) screen, an octa-core Exynos CPU, 3GB of RAM, 16 or 32GB SSD storage, and 7 hours of battery life – the price tag will be somewhere between $250 and $300, making it yet another affordable Chromebook that could find attract a lot of price-conscious consumers in the market for a new laptop.
Google’s Chromebook has seen considerable growth in sales over the past 12 months, despite running an OS that depends heavily on internet access for most functions (apps such as Gmail and Google Drive can run offline, as can a few other apps found on the Chrome Store, though most data is still stored online on Google’s cloud servers), and the upgraded Samsung Chromebook will likely help Google achieve even higher market share in the personal computer market, owing mostly to the good pricing.
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