Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Samsung to unveil Galaxy S5 in mid-March in London

Looks like Samsung won’t be unveiling its upcoming flagship device at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, instead it would be unveiling it in an event, which would entirely be dedicated to the Galaxy S5, in London in mid-March. An Italian journalist, Flavio, claim’s that a reliable source confirmed about this Global launch event to him.
To be honest, Samsung would have never launched the Galaxy S5 at Mobile World Congress, nor the Korean giant has launched any flagship device at MWC after the Galaxy S II. The reason behind this is simple, the Galaxy S series is just too popular to be launched at MWC and Samsung would not want to share the news space with other products. And, Samsung has the budget to host their own event, so why not ?
Anyways, take this news with a grain of salt as nothing has been confirmed yet and these are just rumours for now.
Via: Softpedia | Source: @Flapic

Engineering prototype of Nokia Normandy leaks in a live photo

Engineering prototype of Nokia Normandy leaks in a live photo



Apple now shipping the Mac Pro to Europe once again, after EU ban of old model

Since March, the old Mac Pro has not been available to buy in Europe as changes in regulations meant that the old Mac Pro no longer complied with EU law. In particular, the large exposed fans of the Mac Pro were the main reason behind the ban — the amendment required fan guards and minor changes to electrical ports.

With the design of the new Mac Pro, Apple once again complies with regulatory requirements. Via MacGeneration, customers in Europe are now receiving shipment notifications with delivery as early as January 14. According to Apple’s online store, customers ordering today should receive their Mac Pro in February.


European Apple fans rejoice, Mac Pro now available in EU

European Apple fans rejoice, Mac Pro now available in EU


First shipments of the Mac Pro for Europe

Apple has kept its promise: it promised that the first shipments of Mac Pro intervene in Europe in January. This is done almost. Michael sent us to the famous Apple email stating that his workstation had from Apple stores.
This is the 8-core model. Delivery is scheduled for January 14! For orders placed today, the Apple Store adalways an expedition next month.

"Threshold" to be Called Windows 9, Ship in April 2015

Microsoft tries to put Windows 8 in the rear-view mirror

At the BUILD developer conference in April 2014, Microsoft will discuss its vision for the future of Windows, including a year-off release codenamed "Threshold" that will most likely be called Windows 9. Here's what I know about the next major release of Windows.

As a kind of recap, we know that Microsoft will update Windows 8.1 in 2014, first with a service pack/feature pack-type update called Update 1 (or GDR1 internally). I wrote a bit about this update recently in Windows 8.1 Update 1 (Very Early) Preview but the expectation is that it will ship in April 2014 alongside Windows Phone 8.1, the development of which Microsoft will soon complete.

Also in April, of course, is BUILD 2014. That show will hit just weeks after Microsoft completes its corporate reorganization and will surprisingly be very much focused on Windows Phone and Xbox, according to my sources. But I think Windows watchers will agree that the biggest news from the show will be an announcement about Microsoft's plans for the next major Windows version, codenamed "Threshold."

I previously wrote about Threshold in Microsoft to Take Windows to the "Threshold", Further Changes Coming in Windows "Threshold" and Big Changes Are Coming to Windows. This is the release my sources previously pegged as being the one that will see the return of the Start menu and the ability to run Metro-style apps on the desktop alongside desktop applications.

But Threshold is more important than any specific updates. Windows 8 is tanking harder than Microsoft is comfortable discussing in public, and the latest release, Windows 8.1, which is a substantial and free upgrade with major improvements over the original release, is in use on less than 25 million PCs at the moment. That's a disaster, and Threshold needs to strike a better balance between meeting the needs of over a billion traditional PC users while enticing users to adopt this new Windows on new types of personal computing devices. In short, it needs to be everything that Windows 8 is not.

Here's what I've learned about Threshold.

Windows 9. To distance itself from the Windows 8 debacle, Microsoft is currently planning to drop the Windows 8 name and brand this next release as Windows 9. That could change, but that's the current thinking.

BUILD vision announcement. In case it's not obvious that the Sinofsky era is over, Microsoft will use BUILD to provide its first major "vision" announcement for Windows since, yes, Longhorn in 2003. Don't expect anything that grandiose, but the Windows team believes it needs to hit a happy middle ground between the KGB-style secrecy of the Sinofsky camp and the freewheeling "we can do it all" days that preceded that. As important, the firm understands that customers need something to be excited about.

No bits at BUILD. Microsoft will not be providing developers with an early alpha release of "Threshold" at BUILD, and for a good reason: The product won't even begin development until later that month. Right now, Microsoft is firming up which features it intends to deliver in this release.

Metro 2.0. Maturing and fixing the "Metro" design language used by Windows will be a major focus area of Threshold. It's not clear what changes are coming, but it's safe to assume that a windowed mode that works on the desktop is part of that.

Three milestones. Microsoft expects to deliver three milestone releases of "Threshold" before its final release. It's unclear what these releases will be called (Beta, Release Candidate, etc.) or which if any will be provided to the public.

April 2015 release. Microsoft is currently targeting April 2015 for the release of Windows 9 "Threshold."

In some ways, the most interesting thing about Threshold is how it recasts Windows 8 as the next Vista. It's an acknowledgment that what came before didn't work, and didn't resonate with customers. And though Microsoft will always be able to claim that Windows 9 wouldn't have been possible without the important foundational work they had done first with Windows 8—just as was the case with Windows 7 and Windows Vista—there's no way to sugarcoat this. Windows 8 has set back Microsoft, and Windows, by years, and possibly for good.

These things don't happen in isolation—the big and slow Vista arrived inauspiciously just as netbooks were taking off and Windows 8 arrived just as media tablets changed everything—and it's fair to say that the technology world of today barely resembles that of 2006, creating new challenges for Windows. Threshold will target this new world. It could very well be a make or break release.

I'll let you know when I've learned more.


Sennheiser CX 275s in-ear headphones review

Sennheiser CX 275s in-ear headphones review


Windows 9 may come out April of next year

Windows 9 may come out April of next year


WhatsApp for Windows Phone 8 gets a fix

WhatsApp for Windows Phone 8 gets a fix



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Recent changes:


* Fix issue with reception of broadcast messages.


* Bug fixes
* New language: Hindi


* Bug fixes


* Send existing (pre-recorded) videos
* Send multiple pictures
* Bug fixes and speed improvements

Want to help translate WhatsApp?  Visit http://translate.whatsapp.com today!



WhatsApp gets a minor update to fix message broadcast issue

WhatsApp for Windows Phone 8 devices has received an update today to v2.11.356. The new update does not include any new features, instead it includes a fix for issue with reception of broadcast messages.
whatsappqrThe update does not yet include the ability to send music files, but we believe this may come in a future version.
The update to the app can be found in the Windows Phone Store here.


This page provides information about the relative number of devices that share a certain characteristic, such as Android version or screen size. This information may help you prioritize efforts for supporting different devices by revealing which devices are active in the Android and Google Play ecosystem.
This data reflects devices running the latest Google Play Store app, which is compatible with Android 2.2 and higher. Each snapshot of data represents all the devices that visited the Google Play Store in the prior 7 days.
Note: Beginning in September, 2013, devices running versions older than Android 2.2 do not appear in this data because those devices do not support the new Google Play Store app. Only the new app is able to measure the number of devices that actively visit Google Play Store and we believe this measurement best reflects your potential user-base.

Platform Versions

This section provides data about the relative number of devices running a given version of the Android platform.
For information about how to target your application to devices based on platform version, read Supporting Different Platform Versions.
2.3.3 -
4.0.3 -
Ice Cream Sandwich1516.9%
4.1.xJelly Bean1635.9%
Data collected during a 7-day period ending on January 8, 2014.
Any versions with less than 0.1% distribution are not shown.
Note: Because this data is gathered from the new Google Play Store app, which supports Android 2.2 and above, devices running older versions are not included. However, in August, 2013, versions older than Android 2.2 accounted for about 1% of devices that checked in to Google servers (not those that actually visited Google Play Store).

Screen Sizes and Densities

This section provides data about the relative number of devices that have a particular screen configuration, defined by a combination of screen size and density. To simplify the way that you design your user interfaces for different screen configurations, Android divides the range of actual screen sizes and densities into several buckets as expressed by the table below.
For information about how you can support multiple screen configurations in your application, read Supporting Multiple Screens.
Data collected during a 7-day period ending on January 8, 2014.
Any screen configurations with less than 0.1% distribution are not shown.

Open GL Version

This section provides data about the relative number of devices that support a particular version of OpenGL ES. Note that support for one particular version of OpenGL ES also implies support for any lower version (for example, support for version 2.0 also implies support for 1.1).

To declare which version of OpenGL ES your application requires, you should use the android:glEsVersionattribute of the  element. You can also use the  element to declare the GL compression formats that your application uses.
OpenGL ES VersionDistribution
1.1 only0.1%
Data collected during a 7-day period ending on January 8, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 tipped for March release in London

Samsung Galaxy S5 tipped for March release in London



Sony confirms Windows Phone smartphone launch in 2014.

Microsoft has reportedly been in talks with Sony to bring a Windows Phone smartphone bearing “Vaio” branding by mid-2014. Reports also claimed that Microsoft can cut down on or completely waive off the licensing fees for encouraging the adoption of Windows Phone platform.

Now, seems the talks have paid off and Microsoft’s Windows Phone director Greg Sullivan has revealed to CNET China that Sony is indeed bringing a Windows Phone device in 2014 or even by mid-2014. As much this is good news for Microsoft, Sony may also benefit as it has not tasted huge success with Android. This devices could serve as a vehicle for Sony’s Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited services as per the reports.



Android in December 2013: KitKat, Jelly Bean on the rise

Android in December 2013: KitKat, Jelly Bean on the rise


Sony WP smartphone to come in 2014 under the Vaio brand

Sony WP smartphone to come in 2014 under the Vaio brand


KAZAM Trooper X4.5 Languages (Clove)

In this video we show you the language options available on the Kazam Trooper X4.5.

KAZAM Trooper X4.5 Languages

KAZAM Trooper X4.5 Languages


Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

[EXR][TX|LT29i|ROM][4.3]Sony Xperia JellyBean 9.2.A.1.131 (leak version)

About EXR Team
EXR are the shortening of the Extraordinary Xperia Romer Group.Under the fully support of Gfan, The well-known SONY area ROMER machao leading some industry ROMER lover create this Group together, EXR are set-up at 2013 April. EXR was commited to make the Best 3rd Party ROM for Asia area. They Train for profressional Romer for cooking ROM. If you are interested to join us, pm me

ROM Introduce & features

ROM name
[EXR][TX|LT29i|ROM][4.3]Sony Xperia JellyBean 9.2.A.1.131 (leak version)
Android Version
4.3 9.2.A.1.131
Avaliable Model
Xperia TX LT29i
ROM maker
Release time


feel free to share, but you must give credits to EXR or we will report it


Has the Android 4.3 update for the Xperia TX been leaked?

Has the Android 4.3 update for the Xperia TX been leaked?



ASUS PadFone mini hands-on

ASUS PadFone mini hands-on


Nokia Lumia Black software update features overview

Nokia Lumia Black software update features overview


Lost Toys

Lost Toys is a mentally engaging 3D puzzle game of profound beauty, depth and challenge. Toys are lost, broken, or forgotten. Fixing them promises to right this hauntingly gorgeous chamber and restore the childhood innocence that has been lost.

* Winner Best Game Design Award at Sense of Wonder Night 2013
* Winner Most Artistic at Codame Indie Games Developers Showcase

“The visuals on Lost Toys are incredible.” — Codame

“Lost Toys is the type of game you rarely see on mobile and tablet, which is why it seems so refreshing.” — Indie Haven

Spiral down to discover a surreal world populated by discarded, mixed-up toys hanging lifelessly from the ceiling. Reconstruct the jumbled toys to reveal their original shapes to progress through 4 chapters and 32 levels in this gothic masterpiece.

— Spin the petrified wooden toy in full 3D to study it from every angle.
— Rotate the scrambled pieces in the proper order to unravel the childhood toy.
— Only a few moves are ever necessary. Undo by tapping the filled circles.
— There are no timers, points, or scores. You won't miss them.
— Tap the (?) if you grow weary of the challenge.
— Replay levels as many times as you like. They’re reshuffled each time.
— Original soundtrack by Peter Rudenko. Best experienced with headphones.

** IMPORTANT ** — Requires at least an iPad 2, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (5th gen) or newer.

Lost Toys Trailer

Lost Toys - Fall 2013 - Updated

[APK Download] Gmail 4.7.2 Update Adds Promised Auto-Show Images Feature

Google said it would do it, and now it has. The latest update to Android's Gmail app has enabled images automatically, now made safe because Google is serving up the images after hosting them on its own proxy servers. Users will no longer need to tap the "show pictures" message above the email content.
2014-01-09 03.16.13 2014-01-09 03.17.39
Left: old style. Right: 4.7.2.

What's New

We're looking through the application now to see if there are any more changes - this thing is so fresh that Google hasn't even updated the Play Store description. If you find something new, feel free to mention it in the comments section. Of course Google's rollout method means that you might not get the app from the Play Store for a few days, so if you want to play with it now, check out the download below. There should also be a pop-up notice of some kind informing users of the change, as demonstrated in these strings:
Always show
Ask before showing
Images Now Showing
"Loading images is now safer, so you'll automatically see all images within a message when you open it. %1$s."
You can update your preferences under %1$s in %2$s.
2014-01-09 03.18.24 2014-01-09 03.30.22 THNNvhq
You can disable this functionality in the Gmail settings menu for your individual email accounts - see middle screenshot above. We'll update this post with any additional significant changes that are found. If you're wondering what's been added lately, you can check out our download pages forGmail 4.7 (vacation responder and KitKat printing, among other things), Gmail 4.6 (more Card UI elements), and Gmail 4.5.2 (return of the delete button).


The APK is signed by Google and upgrades your existing app. The cryptographic signature guarantees that the file is safe to install and was not tampered with in any way. Rather than wait for Google to push this download to your devices, which can take days, download and install it just like any other APK.
File name: com.google.android.gm-4.7.2 (967015).apk
Version: 4.7.2 (967015).apk (Android 4.0+)
MD5: cc09aabcf06fceac022c06919e4669e8

‘Lost Toys’ for iOS game review

‘Lost Toys’ for iOS game review



Gmail is built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, efficient, and useful. And maybe even fun. Get your email instantly via push notifications, read and respond to your conversations online & offline, and search and find any email.
Gmail also lets you:
• Manage multiple accounts
• View and save attachments
• Set up label notifications

Gmail for Android will now show images automatically

Gmail for Android will now show images automatically


Weekend poll: CES 2014 hot hardware

Weekend poll: CES 2014 hot hardware


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo new photos, benchmark score arrive

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo new photos, benchmark score arrive


Samsung responds to Knox vulnerability accusations

Samsung responds to Knox vulnerability accusations


Nokia Lumia 1520 – Hardware – Processor

Nokia Lumia 1520 – Hardware – Processor


Sony Xperia Z1 Compact cases

Sony Xperia Z1 Compact cases


Compact new items Nikon L-series

Nikon introduced four new camera family COOLPIX. Among them - in a classical style high-performance camera COOLPIX L830, equipped with a heavy-duty 34-fold optical zoom function with Dynamic Fine Zoom, which provides up to 68 times magnification, and easy to manage the 16-megapixel camera COOLPIX L29 Wide Angle lens NIKKOR, providing 5 magnification. Simultaneously with the release starts a 20-megapixel camera COOLPIX L30 Zoom NIKKOR, which provides a 5-fold increase, and a powerful 26x zoom lens and 20-megapixel camera COOLPIX L330. In the new cameras use AA-size batteries, which can be found anywhere in the world.
Nikon COOLPIX L830 :
As the producer, made in classic style 16-megapixel camera COOLPIX L830, for those users who need a simple-to-use model with high accuracy and productivity.
Easy Auto mode optimizes COOLPIX L830 camera settings and use the side zoom control, and include one-touch recording. Function hybrid vibration reduction (VR) compensates for camera shake.
In addition, the novelty is equipped with a 3-inch swivel screen high-resolution matrix backlit, support Full HD video with optical zoom and stereo sound.
Nikon COOLPIX L29 :
Camera COOLPIX L29 is equipped with 16-megapixel CCD, which in combination with NIKKOR wideangle 5x zoom lens provides high quality of each image.
To maximize the quality of the photos in this unit implemented motion blur reduction function, creative effects filters and Smart Portrait System.Together with the function Blink, smile timer function and reduce "red-eye" it contributes to getting great shots. Seventeen scene modes allow you to select from a variety of styles, effects and prospects for those that best fit the removable events.
Nikon COOLPIX L30 :
COOLPIX L30 offers its owners take advantage of the 20-megapixel CCD sensor, wide-angle NIKKOR lens with 5x zoom, and Easy Auto mode that simplifies shooting videos. In addition, there is a place 3-inch LCD monitor, a special button to shoot and being able to do high-resolution images.
Nikon COOLPIX L330 :
Built in the classical style camera COOLPIX L330, equipped with NIKKOR wideangle powerful 26x optical zoom, high-resolution matrix, vibration reduction (VR) lens offset, high value ISO, and Best Shot Selector (BSS) selects the sharpest of 10 sequential shots.

α5000 from Sony: Official Video Release (Feature)

Introducing the α5000, the world's lightest interchangeable-lens digital camera*. Offering high image quality via a large APS-C image sensor with approx. 20.1 effective megapixels and the BIONZ X image processing engine, theα5000 also packs Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities, a 180° tiltable LCD screen and built-in flash in its remarkably lightweight body.
* Among interchangeable-lens digital cameras equipped with an APS-C image sensor. As of January 2014 at the time of the press release, based on a Sony survey.

SGS4 4.4.2 firmware vs SuperSU v1.89

So a few hours ago I was informed there was a Android 4.4 KitKat leak for the Samsung Galaxy S4. Unfortunately they changed some stuff around and SuperSU stopped working.

So I hacked together a minor update to SuperSU to make it work again: v1.89.

The custom recovery flashable ZIP can be found at the following link (as always):


The CF-Auto-Root has also been updated with this new version of SuperSU, and can be found here:


As always, discussion in the XDA thread here:


I'm not sure yet whether this version will hit the Play Store or not. The only change is Samsung 4.4 compatibility, and there's only one leaked ROM out for that at this time. This update triggers a binary update, and there's always some people losing root in that process, so I'm not sure I'll go there until some more ROMs with this turn up, or I have another reason to update. (Subject to change on my whim, of course)

SuperSU fixed to work on Galaxy S4′s Android 4.4 test firmware

Software updates are exciting, especially when they get leaked and give users an early chance to try out something they might otherwise be waiting a long time for. The excitement was palpable when we leaked a test Android 4.4 KitKat firmware for the Galaxy S4 earlier today, but if you’ve been using Chainfire’s SuperSU app for root access, you might have noticed it’s not working on KitKat. But thanks to Chainfire, that was a short-lived problem, as the popular developer has released an updated version of SuperSU that works with the KitKat build on the Galaxy S4.
The new SuperSU is available as a zip file that you can flash from recovery, and is also included in Chainfire’s CF-Auto-Root package for rooting through Odin without the need of a custom recovery. You can download either from the links below, and head to the source link for more details on the fix.
Download: SuperSUCF-Auto-Root

Leaked Android 4.4 For Galaxy S4 Breaks SuperSU, Chainfire Already Has A Fix

OTA updates are usually a good thing, but first impressions can be misleading. The just leakedAndroid 4.4 KitKat build for the Galaxy S4 seems good, but some behind-the-scenes changes broke SuperSU, making root access difficult. Ever the go-getter, Chainfire already has it sorted out.
The new flashable ZIP file is available from Chainfire's site – version number 1.89. CF-Auto-Root has also been updated to include the new SuperSU. This has been successfully tested with the leaked ROM on the GT-i9505, but should also be fine on other devices you need to get root on.
Chainfire is still undecided about adding this version to the Play Store as it is only for a single leaked ROM. Updating through Google Play will cause a binary update, which is a hassle for everyone. The Play Store rollout might have to wait for the official OTA to start hitting devices.

Samsung: Don't hold your breath for a Tizen phone in the U.S.

Samsung Electronics is unlikely to bring its first phones running the Tizen operating system to the U.S. market, according to a U.S.-based Samsung executive.

Ryan Bidan, Samsung's director of product marketing for its U.S. mobile operations, said that Samsung has not announced anything specific related to Tizen for the U.S. market, but is continuing to work on devices. However, an in interview with FierceWireless here at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show, he indicated that U.S. consumers shouldn't hold their breath for a Samsung Tizen phone.

"We don't feel the U.S. is a great test market for those kinds of products," he said, noting that Samsung will likely roll out Linux-based Tizen phones in other regions of the world. "The U.S. market is pretty mature. Bringing a new entrant here that doesn't meet a certain performance bar would be a challenge. Recognizing that, we don't want to set ourselves up for failure."

Tizen phones will likely start to be sold by the end of March, NTT DoCoMo spokesman Jun Otori told AFP on Wednesday. Samsung's first Tizen smartphone will likely be unveiled next month around the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, Spain, Japan's Mainichi Shimbun reported Wednesday.

Samsung is the largest backer of the Tizen Association, an open-source group that was created through the merger of the former MeeGo and LiMo platforms. Other Tizen supporters include Sprint (NYSE:S), Intel, Huawei, Orange and Vodafone. Samsung has positioned Tizen as one of its many platform options, but analysts have consistently said Samsung could be using Tizen as a hedge against Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android, which is Samsung's bread and butter for smartphones and tablets. (Samsung also supports Microsoft's (NASDAQ:MSFT) Windows Phone 8 platform.)  

In the wide-ranging interview, Bidan touted the company line that it must innovate on software as well as hardware to set itself apart. "It's absolutely the right direction for us. Our opportunity to differentiate and create really neat products for consumers lies in a holistic product solution--hardware and software," he said.

At the same time, Bidan acknowledged that Samsung has invested heavily in a multitude of software features for devices like its Galaxy S4 smartphone, but that with so many of them, consumers could easily lose track and not use them. Bidan estimated that when Samsung unveiled the S4 in March the company went through well over 80 different software features, ranging from "Air View," which allows a user to hover with their fingers over the screen to preview the content of an email, image gallery or video without having to open it, to an "S Translate" translating service that supports English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Latin American Spanish, and supports speech to text and text to speech.

"It's something we struggle with all the time," he said, referring to how Samsung can continue to push software innovations without creating so much clutter that consumers lose interest. "It takes a certain amount of discipline to bring focus into that." This year, Bidan said, Samsung will focus more on "refining the things we are talking about and being more focused in the messages we are bringing to consumers" since there are likely only a handful of features consumers will find meaningful.

Samsung, the world's largest maker of smartphones and handsets by volume, made a splash last fall with the introduction of its Galaxy Gear smart watch. Smart watches, and wearables in general, have been a major theme of CES this year, and Samsung executives have said the Gear was just Samsung's first stab at wearables. Some consumers blanched at the $399 price tag for the device, which is essentially tethered to a Samsung smartphone. Samsung said in November it had shipped 800,000 Gear smart watches in two months since its debut despite middling reviews of the gadget.

Bidan said Samsung went with the watch form factor and the idea of getting notifications on the wrist because they were familiar and easy to understand concepts. However, he said that "for wearables to take off, we need to find those consumer use cases, we need to make them relevant, we need to make them interesting." Until Samsung and other companies get wearables into the mass market, they are not going to know what those experiences are, he said. Without giving anything away, Bidan said that Gear is  "a platform that can be extended."


Samsung: Tizen isn’t coming to the US any time soon

Tizen has been in development for ages now, but an actual smartphone running on the OS is still missing from the market. Samsung has announced its plans to address that glaring fault in the near future, but if you’re in the U.S. and are looking forward to trying out Samsung’s new OS, then you might be in for a bit of disappointment. Ryan Bidan, Samsung’s director of product marketing in the US, has revealed in an interview that the company doesn’t intend to bring Tizen stateside any time soon, certainly not in 2014, as it considers the U.S. to be a mature market that won’t be too welcoming of a new player in the mobile operating system war.

“We don’t feel the U.S. is a great test market for those kinds of products. The U.S. market is pretty mature. Bringing a new entrant here that doesn’t meet a certain performance bar would be a challenge. Recognizing that, we don’t want to set ourselves up for failure.”

Bidan has a point: the smartphone market in the U.S. is divided almost evenly between the iPhone and Android phones, with even Windows Phone finding it hard to make the slightest dent in a space held by Apple and Google’s operating systems, and consumers aren’t exactly looking at switching to a new OS. Furthermore, emerging smartphone markets are where upcoming OS will find an easier time trying to make their presence felt, as these are the markets where those moving from feature phones to smartphones won’t have favoritism or inclination towards a particular OS.

Of course, with Android having overtaken almost 80 percent of the global smartphone market, even immature smartphone markets won’t exactly prove easy targets for Tizen. But then again, considering almost half of that 80 percent is full of Samsung devices, coupled with the company’s plans to make Tizen run nicely on extremely low-level hardware, the Korean manufacturer might just be able to position its OS as the third ecosystem pretty soon, if only because of a lot of marketing.


US won’t be part of Tizen launch; “we don’t want to set ourselves up for failure”

They’ve taken their sweet time in getting here, but Tizen devices are on their way. While there are no assurances, it sure sounds like we’re getting ready to see some of the first commercial models at the Mobile World Congress next month. But even if they do actually launch, who’s going to get them? Well, we we saw one device pass through the FCC late last month, but that guy was pretty clearly destined for operation in Japan. While we still lack a comprehensive understanding of which markets are due to see Tizen phones, there’s one we can now count out, as a Samsung exec explains that the United States is not part of the company’s Tizen launch plans.

The logic is sound enough – Samsung describes the US smartphone market as already being “pretty mature” and not necessarily a great arena to show off a new, unfamiliar product: “Bringing a new entrant here that doesn’t meet a certain performance bar would be a challenge. Recognizing that, we don’t want to set ourselves up for failure.”

While there’s the potential there to read that as Samsung lacking confidence in its Tizen investment, we can also write it off as simply being pragmatic. Ultimately, we may see distribution more in line with the kind of thing going on with Firefox OS, or other platforms more interested in international markets. None of this is to say that the US will never see a Tizen phone, but that day could still be a long way off.


Samsung Galaxy S5 possible with new head and gesture control

Slowly but surely approaching the unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S5 . And we did not always see as useful features of the Galaxy S4 already smart, though as  Eye Pause  and  Scroll Eye , Samsung Galaxy S5 possible for the next generation of head-and gesture control in store. This appears, at least from a recently published European patent application.
samsung-galaxy-s5-eye-head tracking patent-1
Central to this patent, the camera on the front of the unit, which is an area for the unit - possibly the Galaxy S5 so - divided into a number of areas. By comparing these areas with each unit may lay movements and gestures, and an action for that link:
a UI method of controlling an operation of a portable electronic device accordion thing to motions (eg, a nod, a face direction, user's eyes, and the like)
The images shown above from the patent shows how a page can be turned through a zijwaartste head movement - an extension to the existing repertoire of oogbesturingsfeatures in Samsung's TouchWiz interface, especially as the patent describes how certain actions be done after The user confirms the action with a nod. In other words, an action is triggered by a head movement, but requires confirmation by a kink.
samsung-galaxy-s5-eye-head tracking patent-2
This patent application was indeed published yesterday, but all presented in early July 2013, ie, after the release of the Galaxy S4. Because of this - and because the captured opportunities this past Eye Scroll   and other existing features TouchWiz go - we think this patent shows features that will make for the next generation high-end devices from Samsung, including the Galaxy S5 their appearance.
The European patent application in question can be found HERE .
PS: Moreover, it is noteworthy that Samsung bezels in this patent application - unlike else - extremely thin displays. But we get enough of patent applications here to attach little value to;)

Word from Samsung: 4K ready to bust out, but OLED lags

Price for next-gen pixel technology is main sticking point

When Samsung's HS Kim speaks, the industry listens. As executive vice president of Visual Display Business, Kim has helped Samsung maintain its lead as the world's best-selling brand of flat-panel TVs. Reviewed.com sat down with Kim in Seoul last December for an exclusive interview, in anticipation of new product announcements at CES 2014.

Among the surprising revelations, Kim voiced skepticism about the immediate viability of OLED televisions, but was optimistic on UHD for 2014. He also spoke about the how Smart TV interfaces will develop, and why Samsung will not be entering the content business anytime soon.

OLED's cost barrier

Last year saw the first consumer-ready models featuring two major innovations in television tech: UHD and OLED. Each promises a huge leap in picture quality from today's Full HD televisions. UHD refers to screens that have at least four times the number of pixels as Full HD, greatly increasing sharpness. A number of UHD TVs shipped in 2013, from Samsung, LG, Sony, Sharp and others. They met with generally positive reviews, but currently suffer from a lack of matching UHD content that can take full advantage of the increased sharpness.

OLED refers not to the number of pixels, but their composition. New materials allow for a richer, more dynamic viewing experience than current TVs. Only Samsung and LG sold OLED TVs in 2013. Reviews of these units were exceptionally positive, but prices started at $9,000 and went up from there.

"Not many consumers tried to purchase OLED TVs at that price," Kim said. "Price was our greatest barrier. So our attempt to expand the market didn't really go well."

The unfriendly prices, he acknowledged, are due primarily to difficulties plaguing the OLED manufacturing process. "I'm really, really terribly sorry to say this, but it will take more time. … I believe it will take around three to four years."

He admitted that at this time last year, he had predicted that it would take two or three years, indicating that the manufacturing issues are more significant than previously thought.

However, Kim remained positive on the immediate prospects of UHD. While there's little content at present, many content providers have announced intentions to begin UHD video transmissions in 2014.

Kim compared the UHD transition to the adoption of high-definition television less than a decade ago, and predicted that "the only difference between Full HD and UHD is that the UHD trend will take place faster."

In order to expedite the transition and foster growth in the UHD ecosystem, Samsung is in talks with other electronics manufacturers, as well as Hollywood studios. However, no formal partnerships have been announced at this time.

How smart can TV get?

Beyond the physical components, the other rapidly evolving aspect of television is "smart TVs." These sophisticated interfaces grow more feature-rich each year, with dozens of options for streaming content already built in.

However, reviews have frequently pointed out that certain functions meant to emulate smartphones fall flat when applied to a TV. Web browsing, Twitter, and other apps that require a lot of text input have generally been met with frustration when a remote control, rather than keyboard or touch-screen, is the sole input device.

Samsung has been on the forefront of smart TV interfaces, but now with several years of market research under its belt, it may be ready to make some changes.

Television, Kim states, is a "lean-back" experience. Unlike other devices, TV is watched from a distance, so getting the user interface right is critical. Previous Samsung TVs have debuted gesture and voice commands, and the new TVs for 2014 will continue to refine those features.

COMPLETE COVERAGE: Read more news from CES 2014

Samsung's mobile division is, of course, also in deep partnership with the Android platform, producing products like the Galaxy S4, the top-selling phone of 2013.

Rumors and wishes for a Samsung Android television have kicked around the Internet for some time. Kim did not entirely dismiss the possibility, but didn't seem particularly keen on it.

"From the consumer's perspective," he stated, "when they watch TV it doesn't matter whether it's a Google or an Android or a Samsung TV."

However, he left the door open by concluding that "if Android TV can provide the best optimal viewing experience, then Samsung will provide that."

Samsung is no Netflix

With millions of homes watching to Samsung smart TVs every night, it might seem natural to wonder whether the company is exploring the idea of cutting out the middleman of cable providers and getting into the content business itself.

Kim was absolutely firm on this point. "We don't care to enter into an area that we don't do well. Which means that we don't have any experience in the content area. ... I am not convinced that we can earn profit in the contents business," he said.

With a new year ahead and many new and competing TVs, Samsung appears poised to retain its lead.
